Interview with Fred Hatfield (Dr Squat) – Strength Legend

Dr Squat Fred Hatfield

I first came across the strength training articles of Fred Hatfield when I was a teenager reading through various Bodybuilding Magazines.  His articles were always provacative and well written, with plenty of science to back up the content. It has always been a personal ambition to interview Fred Hatfield for the Viking Supplements blog, and… Continue reading Interview with Fred Hatfield (Dr Squat) – Strength Legend

Interview with Sue "Stone Queen" Metcalf, one strong lady !

Leaning on the Atlas Stones

I met Sue Metcalf a Strongwoman competitor from Queensland at the FitX Expo in Melbourne this year.  We have spoken several times since and she kindly offered to do this interview to give an insight into her career in Strongwoman. OK, up front, I have to say that by my standards this is a long… Continue reading Interview with Sue "Stone Queen" Metcalf, one strong lady !

Mark Wells – Australian Strongman Competitor

Mark Wells Australian Strongman Competitor

I met Mark Wells for the first time at FitX in Melbourne this year.  Unfortunately he was unable to compete in all the events due to being severely affected by the flu, which he picked up flying back from the Arnold Strongman Event in the US. Phil: Where were you born? Mark: Born in Adelaide,… Continue reading Mark Wells – Australian Strongman Competitor

Moe Westmoreland – Australian Strongman Competitor


You only have to see a few of Moe Westmoreland’s photos, to understand that he is one very strong Australia guy.    Here is the interview I conducted with him, to try and find out what makes this man tick ! PB How did you get into the sport of Strongman? MW I was about… Continue reading Moe Westmoreland – Australian Strongman Competitor