Strongman Tarmo Mitt – Five times Estonia’s Strongest Man

Tarmo versus Tyre

Estonian Strongman Tarmo Mitt is the five times holder of the title of Estonia’s Strongest Man.

Tarmo versus Tyre (courtesy of Artur Andrzej 2009)

We caught up with this strongman, and asked him to share his thoughts on his career, and give us some tips for us iron athletes to improve our own competition results.


Phil Burgess: In your strongman career what has been your greatest achievement?

Tarmo Mitt: Being 4 times in the final at World’s Strongest Man.

Phil Burgess: How did you start competing in strongman competitions?

Tarmo Mitt: Before I got into the sport of strongman I was doing Judo, and for a few years had just been going in gym to do weight training.

My first strongman comp was in 1997. It was a village competition, I got 6th place.  I told myself that I can do better than that and a year later I was beating all the best guys in Estonia.

Phil Burgess: You have competed in the finals of the Worlds Strongest Man 4 times.  What is the hardest thing about competing in a competition like this?

Tarmo Mitt: WSM is harder mentally than physically.

You do only 1-2 events every day. Its not taught but you have to switch yourself off after you have done your competing. If you cant do that then you totally burned  out for final day.

Phil Burgess: Why do you think that you did not win any of these competitions?

Tarmo Mitt: My problems was that I had weak knees. I couldn’t do enough squatting and because of that I haven’t got strong enough legs.

Tarmo Mitt Strongman
Psyching Up... (courtesy of Artur Andrzej 2009)

Phil Burgess: What events do you enjoy the most?

Tarmo Mitt: I was good in Atlas stones, Conan, Hercules hold and truck pull.

Mostly all events which are dynamic and require some cordination or  special techniques I liked. It’s really because  there was no advantage to guys who were/are powerlifters.

Phil Burgess: What events do you dislike?

Tarmo Mitt: I dont like max attempts like squats and deadlift. I guess its because I’m so bad there.hehe.

Phil Burgess: What events do you you think the crowd like watching the most?

Tarmo Mitt: I think events which can be done where at least two athletes are doing it at the same time is more interesting to watch.

Phil Burgess: What is the strangest event you have ever done?

Tarmo Mitt: My strangest event? I think when I was doing a Hercules hold with straps and I was fixed on the wall and couldnt move and the weight was released onto your arms with a lifter.

Idea was who can handle more pain….

Phil Burgess: Where do you live and work?

Tarmo Mitt: I live in Tartu which is the second biggest city in Estonia. It’s a nice place which is not too big.

I work in a transport company, doing mostly office work.

Phil Burgess: What are your goals for 2012?

Tarmo Mitt: To take part in as many competitions as possible.

Tarmo MittPhil Burgess: Finally, what tips do you have for the following events?

Tarmo Mitt: 

  • Deadlift. Do half lifts with extra  heavy weights.
  • Logpress. Get the legs involved as much as possible for pushing out.
  • Farmers Walk. Do speed training with smaller weight.
  • Yoke. Do short distances but many sets.,


 Read our other Strongman Interviews

By Phil Burgess

Loved watching Strength Sports through my early childhood and now I have the privilege of interviewing some of the greatest strength athletes to have graced this planet.